Quoted by: Dov Watanabe

Charley Eismann-Juutilainen: in August, the sweat will be trickling off my ass like dewdrops on a rose

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[19:37] Future Static: That’s OK, Dov. People can hear you when you greet them late. They cannot hear you when you greet them early. So late is better.

Quoted by: JaggerRogue

[18:55] Shizuka Tsunenaga looks the picture of innocence
[18:56] Jagger (jaggerrogue): I am

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[19:55] Future Static: I can pump you full of my DNA to make you turn into a bunny, if you want, Jimmie.

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[19:55] Fieger Difference: “The problem arose when a dam broke loose and flooded the town and surrounding areas. When the flood reached the rancher’s property, it took his donkey and bathtub for a ride down the wash and into a basin. The story goes that quite a bit of the town’s resources and manpower were spent trying to rescue the donkey from the bathtub. It must’ve made the townspeople pretty upset, because not long after the event, the law banning donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs was passed.

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[19:50] Fieger Difference: it had something to do with a donkey sleeping in a tub when a flash flood came and washed away the house. None of it made sense to me

Quoted by: Dov Watanabe

[19:06] Sʜᴜɢɢᴀʜ Sᴛᴜᴘᴏʀ: i like sexy creepy
[19:06] Bruin Prospero: oh you’d like my van

Quoted by: Dehrynn Shepherd

Burst out of you shorts! [19:07] Jimmie Azúcar (jimmie.teebrook): a tad harder and i’ll burst out of my shorts