Author Archives: Quote Board Archiver

Quoted by: Dov Watanabe

[20:51] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann spanks Jake’s ass. [20:51] Jake: ouch [20:51] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann: Oops [20:51] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann: hand slipped [20:51] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann spanks Jimmie Azúcar’s ass.

Quoted by: Shizuka Tsunenaga

[18:39] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann (Kaj Juutilainen): I’ll have sex with Brad Pitt fi that’ll help [18:39] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann (Kaj Juutilainen):

Quoted by: Dov Watanabe

[20:44] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann: Dov, let’s spread some marmalade on Mur [20:45] Vicoro Palmira: so Murmalade?

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[14:55] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): I use Character Map from the Windows Accessories menu for all my extratypographical needs

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[14:39] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): Wiktionary says it’s to squash, especially with one’s fingers. It’s also a term in tiddlywinks, you squidge the wink with the squidger.

Quoted by: Dov Watanabe

Charley Eismann-Juutilainen: in August, the sweat will be trickling off my ass like dewdrops on a rose

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[19:37] Future Static: That’s OK, Dov. People can hear you when you greet them late. They cannot hear you when you greet them early. So late is better.