Author Archives: Quote Board Archiver

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[19:04] Jimmie Azúcar: he wants to put his dick in me. i’ve told him. try making it just a little bit smaller i like big but not one that goes in my mouth and comes out my feet

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[18:31] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann: Someone stick something in Fieger’s mouth [18:31] Charley Eismann-Juutilainen: ok

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[12:56] Fieger Difference: it’s not the size of a man’s nose that’s important — it’s what is IN IT that counts

Quoted by: Future Static

[18:16] Jimmie Azúcar (jimmie.teebrook): we got 10 inches [18:16] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): Oh yikes that’s a lot

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[19:23] Dov Watanabe: Murs, as a kat, I just sit here licking myself and letting them do the work. That’s how he has so many kat songs, and I have immaculate pubes

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[18:03] Charley Eismann-Juutilainen plays with Elror’s knob [18:03] Elror Gullwing: yeah that’s it [18:03] Elror Gullwing: turn it up 😉

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[13:58] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): Ickety ackety oop! [13:58] Sam Winchester (sammi.winchester): okay Robbiebugs

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[19:55] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann spanks Jimmie Azúcar’s ass. [19:55] Shizuka Tsunenaga: id stick that on my PC or my wheelchair