Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen
[20:18] Swallo Jackman: I can’t tell you how many times I pass out and wake up under Bru
[20:18] Swallo Jackman: I can’t tell you how many times I pass out and wake up under Bru
[19:10] Culian Lovelace (lovelessculian): They are just gonna plant willie to make the weed greener
[20:13] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann (kaj.juutilainen): Act like Everything , Everywhere at ONce and smack with dilldos
[20:00] Shizuka Tsunenaga: its a very nice wiener, Fie, very well kept hehe xD
[19:58] Jagger (jaggerrogue): Fie it’s always good to have an inoffensive penis
[19:57] Ryo Sasaki (ryosasaki): Nice bouncy tune. Goes good with Tea and cookies.
[19:14] Coin Hammerer kisses Deh’s tip
[14:37] Matt Fluffpaw: I’m retired, I don’t care lol
[14:30] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): I decided to get a more festive color of Crocs
[18:32] Charley Eismann-Juutilainen: I would rather have had my pubes slowly yanked out
Prince Tzedek: just be sure to get around the back
[19:00] Sam Winchester (adelphus): do I need to smack it again?
[21:00] Swallo: host me harder Robbie!
[19:40] Dov Watanabe: Swallo, you’d put out for a half a Lactaid skim milk past it’s best by date.
[19:06] Dov Watanabe: Tonight, Jimmie becomes a woman
[19:03] Kaj Juutilainen: We have 3 hours to work over Jimmie’s ass
[18:19] Robbie Roo: I think they were just scared of something that big.
[18:17] Robbie Roo: Does it get damp down there?
[18:42] Dov Watanabe: Well Kaj, sometimes the glowing orb in the sky plucks you out of your car by the side of the road in the desert and they’re like “ooh let’s probe this earthcat” and the next thing you know they’re calling you daddy and making pancakes
[18:25] Ginkus Habilis (Ginkgo Southmoor): I think I’m beating it 🙂
Sam Winchester (Adelphus): I like fluffing you
[19:50] Bruin Prospero: my cock is very complex. and misunderstood
[15:47] Matt Fluffpaw: It’s a challenge when you can stretch it out all the way!
[14:26] TouTou トゥトゥ (tourette.laval): When you’re working on your penis for hours?
[18:56] Future Static: I like it when they come together
[18:33] Robbie Roo: Oh this was the song I meant to play during one of my B sets but forgot to download at the time heheh [18:33] Bhakti Mimulus entered chat range (18.65 m).
[14:34] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): Oh thank you 😀 I wasn’t going to notice that for a while. I was halfway through Kaj
[19:04] Fieger Difference: Hokey smokes…. I have “Happy Boy”
[19:05] Jimmie Teebrook: charley has a way bigger butt
[13:34] Fieger Difference: oh! I think I have arm extenders. hang on
[20:05] Jimmie Teebrook: i expect to be … stiff for a week
[19:52] Future Static: I was faking it.
oh wait