Author Archives: Quote Board Archiver

Quoted by: JaggerRogue

[20:13] Kaj Juutilainen-Eismann (kaj.juutilainen): Act like Everything , Everywhere at ONce and smack with dilldos

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[18:42] Dov Watanabe: Well Kaj, sometimes the glowing orb in the sky plucks you out of your car by the side of the road in the desert and they’re like “ooh let’s probe this earthcat” and the next thing you know they’re calling you daddy and making pancakes

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[18:33] Robbie Roo: Oh this was the song I meant to play during one of my B sets but forgot to download at the time heheh [18:33] Bhakti Mimulus entered chat range (18.65 m).

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[14:34] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): Oh thank you 😀 I wasn’t going to notice that for a while. I was halfway through Kaj