Author Archives: Quote Board Archiver

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[19:56] Fieger Difference: Thanks Robbie for sneaking up behind Charley and getting his picture for the poster [19:57] Future Static: I would have licked the poster harder if I had known it was Charley.

Quoted by: JaggerRogue

[18:29] Dehrynn Shepherd: haha oh man.. Masturbating, crying.. well I guess that’s a really sad form of lube

Quoted by: Matt Fluffpaw

Fieger Difference: It felt busy. Started at 3:30AM when the storm sirens went off. Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): Oh YAY Fieger!

Quoted by: Kaj Juutilainen

[18:47] Fieger Difference: mice eat their young all the time. You ever wonder why Donald Duck has hephews and Michey and Minni don’t?

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[15:08] Fieger Difference: I sneak in and out on little faun hoofs [15:09] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): Teeheee

Quoted by: Coin Hammerer

[14:59] Robbie Roo (robbie.ravenhurst): With all the thirty-year-old teenagers and the sexism, it’s just a good show.